Lucas Adler

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Flexi Phone

7. september 2012 Assignment: Design a phone that does not make use of Apple's patents.

Find alternatives to: - Double-tap-to-zoom - Click-to-call - Swipe to answer or reject a phone call

You should be able to: - Answer and reject a phone call - Lock and unlock screen - Zoom in on an image or text - And the phone must of course be practical ift pockets, bags, hands etc You must choose at least two of the above four points in your answer.

This is the very first time i tried Adobe After Effects. Also i had never tried to paint something in photoshop, i usually use it for editing pictures. I painted the phone in photoshop, and I am pretty excited about it!

Made by: Emilie Elmquist Jesper Christoffersen Asger Bruun Hansen Lucas Adler Hyldebrandt