

Maj 5. 2013Recently I won a Roskilde Festival Ticket in a photo competition at Aarhus University. The theme was Music. I entered the competition with this photo of Flødeklinikken from Aarhus Hylder Mangfoldigheden. Pretty sweet to win a ticket. Now i do not have to work during Roskilde Festival - though i will still be taking photos there.


Woah!! I am very busy and happy.

February 11. 2013It has been a while since i have updated my blog here. This does not mean that i have been doing nothing. No, i have rather been very busy. Recently i did a job for Aarhus Kommune wich i am not allowed to share due to some different restrictions. I have also attended to Transmediale 2013 BWPWAP. It is a Berlin-based festival focusing on art, culture and technologies. That was great fun, and i will of couse post some pictures!

Right now i am sitting in Saalbach, Austria. I am away for a ski trip. This is a picture i took the other day when we visited Königssee (a very big lake). The weather was amazing, best conditions for photographing i have ever experienced!! Pictures will come soon too! - Woaw. So much to do! I am indeed a very lucky man!


8. December 2012Besides being a photographer i study Digital Design at Aarhus University. We formed a reading group called MadeinSpace. We recently finished our first project named GåPåVandet.

The idea about the blog is to keep track of our designprocess, and being able to share it with our teachers. Check out the blog. I made it in wordpress. Pretty simple, but it gets the job done.

From the left: Lucas Adler (me), Magnus Olsen, Henrik Goul and Mathias Tang. Shot with iPhone and Instagram.

Flexi Phone

7. september 2012 Assignment: Design a phone that does not make use of Apple's patents.

Find alternatives to: - Double-tap-to-zoom - Click-to-call - Swipe to answer or reject a phone call

You should be able to: - Answer and reject a phone call - Lock and unlock screen - Zoom in on an image or text - And the phone must of course be practical ift pockets, bags, hands etc You must choose at least two of the above four points in your answer.

This is the very first time i tried Adobe After Effects. Also i had never tried to paint something in photoshop, i usually use it for editing pictures. I painted the phone in photoshop, and I am pretty excited about it!

Made by: Emilie Elmquist Jesper Christoffersen Asger Bruun Hansen Lucas Adler Hyldebrandt